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Choosing The Right Pair Of Glasses

Have you ever stopped to think about how your glasses make you look? Although I have worn glasses and contacts for years, it was only a few months ago that I started to evaluate their impact on my appearance. I saw a few pictures of myself that I didn't particularly enjoy, and it was then that I decided to meet with a fashion consultant to discuss my looks. I learned a lot from those meetings, and I can't even begin to tell you how much of a difference my stylist made on my self esteem. My blog is here to help you to choose glasses that will make you feel powerful, beautiful, and professional, so that you can enjoy your life.


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Choosing The Right Pair Of Glasses


Can You Repair Scratched Lenses At Home?

Anyone who has ever needed glasses knows what a nuisance it can be to discover that the lenses in your glasses are scratched. If you're desperate for a fix, it may seem like it's worth it to go hunting for fix-it methods to take care of it yourself. Unfortunately, you may not be as happy with the results as you're hoping for. Here's why you should think twice before trying to repair your lenses yourself.

Diabetic Eye Diseases And What You Can Do To Prevent Them

Diabetes can wreak havoc on the entire body, especially on the eyes. Diabetes can cause a deterioration in the cells in the retina and can lead to vision loss. Some diabetic eye diseases you can develop include glaucoma and cataracts. Read on for information about both of these diseases and what you can do to prevent them. Glaucoma Glaucoma is a disease that can damage the optic nerve in the eye, which can lead to some vision loss or even blindness.

How To Make The Eye Pressure Exam Easier

When you visit your eye doctor for an examination, getting the pressure in your eyes checked is part of what you need to do for a clean bill of health. However, this test isn't pleasant for most people, and it can be frustrating to move or blink during the test since you have to start all over again afterward. If you struggle with this test, give these tips a try. 

Eyesight Starting To Deteriorate? Why You Should Get Lasik Vision Correction

If you've enjoyed great eyesight for the majority of your life, it can come as quite a shock when your vision starts to change. It could be something as simple as needing a pair of over-the-counter reading glasses to see the morning paper or as serious as blurry vision that prevents you from driving. The situation can be unsettling and you're undoubtedly searching for options. Although it's traditional for people to use glasses or contacts when they're having trouble seeing, you might want to go for an even better option.