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Choosing The Right Pair Of Glasses

Have you ever stopped to think about how your glasses make you look? Although I have worn glasses and contacts for years, it was only a few months ago that I started to evaluate their impact on my appearance. I saw a few pictures of myself that I didn't particularly enjoy, and it was then that I decided to meet with a fashion consultant to discuss my looks. I learned a lot from those meetings, and I can't even begin to tell you how much of a difference my stylist made on my self esteem. My blog is here to help you to choose glasses that will make you feel powerful, beautiful, and professional, so that you can enjoy your life.


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Choosing The Right Pair Of Glasses


Advantages Of Professional Optometry Care

Most people usually take eye care for granted. However, vision serves a critical function in people's daily lives. Thus, people should take proactive measures such as routine eye exams to ensure they maintain proper eyesight. Usually, people's eyesight deteriorates as they age. People also develop various eyesight-related complications because of different eye illnesses. Thus, people who experience eye-related complications such as soreness, redness, swelling, and sensitivity to light should seek professional assistance from qualified optometrists.

Does Your Child Need An Eye Exam? What To Know

As a parent, one of the biggest challenges is recognizing when your child has a problem with their vision. Unless that vision problem is significantly pronounced, such as near blindness, it can be difficult to actually recognize it in the early ages. That's one of the reasons most pediatricians conduct basic eye-chart exams once children are able to talk. However, those exams aren't infallible. Here's a look at some signs you should watch for that may indicate your child needs an eye exam from an optometrist.